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Product full name: Timetable ErichKrause Pointes, А4, cardboard
Trademark: ErichKrause®
Product full name: Timetable ErichKrause Pointes, А4, cardboard
Trademark: ErichKrause®
Detailed features
Model: -
Collection: -
Format: A4
Size, mm: 297x210
School week: six-day
Number of lines per day: 8
Material: coated cardboard
Weight, g/m2: 170
Country: Russia
Logistic information
Article: 001020100-61936
Multiplicity: 100
Consumer package
Package type: -
Number of products: 1
Dimensions, сm.: 29.7*0.0*21.0
Volume, m3: 0.00001537
Weight net/gross, kg.: 0.0113 | 0.0116
Barcode: 4601921619362
Consolidated package
Package type: shrink film
Number of products: 100
Dimensions, сm.: 29.7*1.4*21.0
Volume, m3: 0.0015372
Weight net/gross, kg.: 1.13 | 1.16
Barcode: 4601921762075
Transport package
Package type: box
Number of products: 1000
Dimensions, сm.: 42.0*30.5*12.0
Volume, m3: 0.015372
Weight net/gross, kg.: 11.3 | 11.6
Barcode: 34601921619363

Timetable ErichKrause Pointes, А4, cardboard

Price per item*:
Quantity in set:
Multiplicity: 100 pieces.
Article Package type Q-ty in set Store Price per item, Price for pack,
001020100-61936 shrink film 100
19.10 1 910.00
* The price per share provided for information purposes only.
The sale is in package.
Product full name: Timetable ErichKrause Pointes, А4, cardboard
Trademark: ErichKrause® ®
Product full name: Timetable ErichKrause Pointes, А4, cardboard
Trademark: ErichKrause® ®
Detailed features
Model: -
Collection: -
Format: A4
Size, mm: 297x210
School week: six-day
Number of lines per day: 8
Material: coated cardboard
Weight, g/m2: 170
Gender: -
Country: Russia
Selling rating: -
Model status: -
Logistic information
Article: 001020100-61936
Multiplicity: 100
Consumer package
Package type: -
Number of products: 1
Dimensions, сm.: 29.7*0.0*21.0
Volume, m3: 0.00001537
Weight net/gross, kg.: 0.0113 | 0.0116
Barcode: 4601921619362
Consolidated package
Package type: shrink film
Number of products: 100
Dimensions, сm.: 29.7*1.4*21.0
Volume, m3: 0.0015372
Weight net/gross, kg.: 1.13 | 1.16
Barcode: 4601921762075
Transport package
Package type: box
Number of products: 1000
Dimensions, сm.: 42.0*30.5*12.0
Volume, m3: 0.015372
Weight net/gross, kg.: 11.3 | 11.6
Barcode: 34601921619363