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Product full name: Set of drawing instruments ErichKrause Neon, 3 items, assorted
Trademark: ErichKrause®
Description: Metal compass. Maximum radius is 21 cm. The sharpener and a replaceable lead in a plastic container are included in set. Presented in bright neon colors. Packing is plastic case with hanger.
Product full name: Set of drawing instruments ErichKrause Neon, 3 items, assorted
Trademark: ErichKrause®
Description: Metal compass. Maximum radius is 21 cm. The sharpener and a replaceable lead in a plastic container are included in set. Presented in bright neon colors. Packing is plastic case with hanger.
Detailed features
Model: Готовальня
Collection: -
Maximum radius, mm: 210
Material: metal
Length, mm: 135
Gender: does not matter
Country: China
Model status: updated model range
Logistic information
Article: 31527
Multiplicity: 1
Consumer package
Package type: wallet
Number of products: 1
Dimensions, сm.: 6.8*18.5*2.4
Volume, m3: 0.0003934
Weight net/gross, kg.: 0.0764 | 0.0833
Barcode: 4041485315278
Consolidated package
Package type: box
Number of products: 12
Dimensions, сm.: 13.0*19.5*15.0
Volume, m3: 0.00472083
Weight net/gross, kg.: 0.9167 | 1
Barcode: 4041485912798
Transport package
Package type: box
Number of products: 144
Dimensions, сm.: 41.0*42.0*33.0
Volume, m3: 0.056826
Weight net/gross, kg.: 11 | 12
Barcode: 34041485315279

Set of drawing instruments ErichKrause Neon, 3 items, assorted

Price per item*:
Quantity in set:
Multiplicity: 1 pieces.
Article Package type Q-ty in set Store Price per item, Price for pack,
31527 wallet 1
390.00 390.00
Product full name: Set of drawing instruments ErichKrause Neon, 3 items, assorted
Trademark: ErichKrause® ®
Description: Metal compass. Maximum radius is 21 cm. The sharpener and a replaceable lead in a plastic container are included in set. Presented in bright neon colors. Packing is plastic case with hanger.
Product full name: Set of drawing instruments ErichKrause Neon, 3 items, assorted
Trademark: ErichKrause® ®
Description: Metal compass. Maximum radius is 21 cm. The sharpener and a replaceable lead in a plastic container are included in set. Presented in bright neon colors. Packing is plastic case with hanger.
Detailed features
Model: Готовальня
Collection: -
Angle, degrees: -
Beveled and tracing edges: -
Color: -
Cover material: -
Finger grip: -
Format: -
Binding type: -
Page orientation: -
Paper weight, g/m2: -
Paper type: -
Paper whiteness, %: -
Precise scale, degrees: -
Printed design: -
Scale, cm: -
Number of sheets: -
Sheet size, mm: -
Size, mm: -
Maximum radius, mm: 210
Material: metal
Length, mm: 135
Gender: does not matter
Country: China
Selling rating: -
Model status: updated model range
Logistic information
Article: 31527
Multiplicity: 1
Consumer package
Package type: wallet
Number of products: 1
Dimensions, сm.: 6.8*18.5*2.4
Volume, m3: 0.0003934
Weight net/gross, kg.: 0.0764 | 0.0833
Barcode: 4041485315278
Consolidated package
Package type: box
Number of products: 12
Dimensions, сm.: 13.0*19.5*15.0
Volume, m3: 0.00472083
Weight net/gross, kg.: 0.9167 | 1
Barcode: 4041485912798
Transport package
Package type: box
Number of products: 144
Dimensions, сm.: 41.0*42.0*33.0
Volume, m3: 0.056826
Weight net/gross, kg.: 11 | 12
Barcode: 34041485315279
Consumables and accessories (1)
Leads for compasses ErichKrause (in box by 12 pcs.)
Артикул: 31539
122 apiece
Order multiplicity: 1
In stock