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Product full name: Modelling clay ErichKrause light 6 colors, 96 g (6 pcs in a flow-pack with euro hang tab)
Trademark: ErichKrause®
Product full name: Modelling clay ErichKrause light 6 colors, 96 g (6 pcs in a flow-pack with euro hang tab)
Trademark: ErichKrause®
Detailed features
Model: -
Collection: -
Quantity of colors: 6
With Aloe Vera: no
Weight, g: 96
Tool inside: no
Gender: does not matter
Country: Russia
Logistic information
Article: 53754
Multiplicity: 1
Consumer package
Package type: pouch
Number of products: 1
Dimensions, сm.: 1.5*21.0*10.0
Volume, m3: 0.00024074
Weight net/gross, kg.: 0.098 | 0.102
Barcode: 4650184537548
Transport package
Package type: box
Number of products: 54
Dimensions, сm.: 27.5*14.5*33.0
Volume, m3: 0.013
Weight net/gross, kg.: 5.29 | 5.51
Barcode: 34650184537549

Modelling clay ErichKrause light 6 colors, 96 g (6 pcs in a flow-pack with euro hang tab)

Price per item*:
Quantity in set:
Multiplicity: 1 pieces.
Article Package type Q-ty in set Store Price per item, Price for pack,
53754 pouch 1
54.20 54.20
Product full name: Modelling clay ErichKrause light 6 colors, 96 g (6 pcs in a flow-pack with euro hang tab)
Trademark: ErichKrause® ®
Product full name: Modelling clay ErichKrause light 6 colors, 96 g (6 pcs in a flow-pack with euro hang tab)
Trademark: ErichKrause® ®
Detailed features
Model: -
Collection: -
Quantity of colors: 6
Effect: -
With Aloe Vera: no
Weight, g: 96
Tool inside: no
Gender: does not matter
Country: Russia
Selling rating: -
Model status: -
Logistic information
Article: 53754
Multiplicity: 1
Consumer package
Package type: pouch
Number of products: 1
Dimensions, сm.: 1.5*21.0*10.0
Volume, m3: 0.00024074
Weight net/gross, kg.: 0.098 | 0.102
Barcode: 4650184537548
Transport package
Package type: box
Number of products: 54
Dimensions, сm.: 27.5*14.5*33.0
Volume, m3: 0.013
Weight net/gross, kg.: 5.29 | 5.51
Barcode: 34650184537549