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Product full name: String bag Сute Сat
Trademark: ErichKrause®
Description: Bag with light-reflecting elements for school shoes. The bag is made of wear-, frost-, and water-resistant 100% polyester.
Product full name: String bag Сute Сat
Trademark: ErichKrause®
Description: Bag with light-reflecting elements for school shoes. The bag is made of wear-, frost-, and water-resistant 100% polyester.
Detailed features
Model: -
Collection: -
Gender: womens
Country: Russia
Logistic information
Article: 42340
Multiplicity: 1

String bag Сute Сat

Price per item*:
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Multiplicity: 1 pieces.
Product full name: String bag Сute Сat
Trademark: ErichKrause® ®
Description: Bag with light-reflecting elements for school shoes. The bag is made of wear-, frost-, and water-resistant 100% polyester.
Product full name: String bag Сute Сat
Trademark: ErichKrause® ®
Description: Bag with light-reflecting elements for school shoes. The bag is made of wear-, frost-, and water-resistant 100% polyester.
Detailed features
Model: -
Collection: -
Color: -
Reflecting elements: -
Material: -
Size, cm: -
Presence of decorative fixtures: -
Gender: womens
Country: Russia
Selling rating: -
Model status: -
Logistic information
Article: 42340
Multiplicity: 1
Compatible products (1)
School backpack Сute Сat
Артикул: 42338
Order multiplicity: 1
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