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Product full name: Push pins ErichKrause assorted (plastic box 100 pcs)
Trademark: ErichKrause®
Description: Colored push pins with plastic caps and pins made of high quality steel wire with improved strength characteristics. Suitable for multiple use. Corrosion-resistant. Non-smudging paper.
Product full name: Push pins ErichKrause assorted (plastic box 100 pcs)
Trademark: ErichKrause®
Description: Colored push pins with plastic caps and pins made of high quality steel wire with improved strength characteristics. Suitable for multiple use. Corrosion-resistant. Non-smudging paper.
Detailed features
Model: -
Collection: -
Leg length, mm: 11
Pin type: push pin
Color: assorted
Head material: plastic
Pin material: nickel plated steel
Individual package quantity: 100
Gender: does not matter
Country: China
Logistic information
Article: 19749
Multiplicity: 1
Consumer package
Package type: wallet
Number of products: 1
Dimensions, сm.: 6.8*3.0*9.3
Volume, m3: 0.00022656
Weight net/gross, kg.: 0.0618 | 0.0679
Barcode: 4041485197492
Consolidated package
Package type: composite
Number of products: 12
Dimensions, сm.: 9.6*11.7*20.4
Volume, m3: 0.00271875
Weight net/gross, kg.: 0.7417 | 0.815
Barcode: 4041485861584
Transport package
Package type: box
Number of products: 240
Dimensions, сm.: 43.5*25.0*50.0
Volume, m3: 0.054375
Weight net/gross, kg.: 14.833 | 16.3
Barcode: 34041485197493

Push pins ErichKrause assorted (plastic box 100 pcs)

Price per item*:
Individual package quantity:
Quantity in set:
Multiplicity: 1 pieces.
Article Package type Q-ty in set Store Price per item, Price for pack,
19749 wallet 1
206.00 206.00
Product full name: Push pins ErichKrause assorted (plastic box 100 pcs)
Trademark: ErichKrause® ®
Description: Colored push pins with plastic caps and pins made of high quality steel wire with improved strength characteristics. Suitable for multiple use. Corrosion-resistant. Non-smudging paper.
Product full name: Push pins ErichKrause assorted (plastic box 100 pcs)
Trademark: ErichKrause® ®
Description: Colored push pins with plastic caps and pins made of high quality steel wire with improved strength characteristics. Suitable for multiple use. Corrosion-resistant. Non-smudging paper.
Detailed features
Model: -
Collection: -
Diameter of rubber band, mm: -
Shape: -
Gel filling: -
Length, mm: -
Length of rubber band, mm: -
Material: -
Capacity, quantity of sheets: -
Weight, g: -
Width, mm: -
Window size, mm: -
Leg length, mm: 11
Pin type: push pin
Color: assorted
Head material: plastic
Pin material: nickel plated steel
Individual package quantity: 100
Gender: does not matter
Country: China
Selling rating: -
Model status: -
Logistic information
Article: 19749
Multiplicity: 1
Consumer package
Package type: wallet
Number of products: 1
Dimensions, сm.: 6.8*3.0*9.3
Volume, m3: 0.00022656
Weight net/gross, kg.: 0.0618 | 0.0679
Barcode: 4041485197492
Consolidated package
Package type: composite
Number of products: 12
Dimensions, сm.: 9.6*11.7*20.4
Volume, m3: 0.00271875
Weight net/gross, kg.: 0.7417 | 0.815
Barcode: 4041485861584
Transport package
Package type: box
Number of products: 240
Dimensions, сm.: 43.5*25.0*50.0
Volume, m3: 0.054375
Weight net/gross, kg.: 14.833 | 16.3
Barcode: 34041485197493